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Looking for Donors

For a few years now, I have had an idea to start a nonprofit to help rural communities because that is where I am from. Tuntutuliak, AK, small village on the Kuskokwim.

I first thought of installing running water in the communities that don't have them yet to make life easier and sanitary. Soon then I thought of some type of sewage system. These would cost millions of dollars to do, where do I begin? Then I thought of the people who are doing these types of projects already, like ANTHC, multimillion dollar nonprofit. But I think they mostly focus on their hospitals and clinics in the villages. So I am still going to stick with running water and sewage systems within the nonprofit, but lean more toward renewable energy.

I also want fix the waste sites in the communities. They are performing terribly. Most of them aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing, keeping the trash where it needs to be, in one spot. They are just 8 foot tall fences that are full so people are throwing them next to the board walk, outside the fences and all the trash is flying away, destroying the environment and wildlife. Simple projects like this shouldn't cost much, less then $100K.

About renewable energy, we want to run the communities to be running on 100% renewable energy, no matter how many solar panels and wind turbines we need to build. Should be costing millions to do this projects.

We haven't started the nonprofit yet, technically in the "idea" phase, but we know what will we be doing. Mostly what I have mentioned above, and then some, and more, to develop rural Alaska.

I am a full time student at the University of Alaska Anchorage and it takes all my time. I have no time to do all the paperwork to start the nonprofit. I did some research online and then I came across a company that starts the nonprofit for you. They do all the paperwork and then some to start the nonprofit. Once they have started it, they give everything to the person that paid them to start it. This company that does this is called Harbor Compliance. Since I am still in school, I thought this was perfect. But then I came across the problem, I don't have the money to pay them.

I need to pay them and the state of Alaska about $3500.00. I don't have that money. And since it is a nonprofit that I am trying to start, I thought that I could start a gofundme campaign. I named it Developing Alaskan Communities. The things that I have mentioned earlier are in the story of the campaign. I have received $265.00 so far about a week ago through 102 facebook shares. I don't know how I am going to share it to more people, so I decided to make this blog. I am looking for donors so I can get this started, and hopefully make it my career. And today is my Birthday. 20 years old.

To support me, you can donate here:

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